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Alleged triple Sexual Abuse committed by 13-year-old Boy in a school in Spain investigated

alleged triple sexual abuse committed by 13 year old boy in a school in spain investigated
Gustavo Fring (CC) Pexels

The Spanish police are investigating the complaints filed by the families of three 14-year-old girls from a school in Madrid, who were allegedly sexually assaulted by the same 13-year-old student inside the school.

The complaints filed by the families of the students of the Antonio Gala high school in Móstoles (Madrid) are now in the hands of the Juvenile Prosecutor's Office, which will study the case.

However, police sources have already pointed out that the alleged aggressor, being under 14 years of age, is unimpeachable in Spain.

The Spanish Law on Minors prevents the alleged aggressor from being criminally prosecuted for being under 14 years of age, so the only measures that could be applied would be of a socio-educational nature.

The young man has already been "removed from the educational center" and "disciplinary proceedings" have been opened against him.

The events occurred between June 5 and 16, when, as explained to EFE by the mother of one of the assaulted minors, the young man allegedly assaulted, "separately and on successive days", the three minors inside the center.

According to the mother's account, her daughter claims that she suffered the aggression on June 13, in one of the center's bathrooms, but at first "did not dare to report it out of fear" of the boy, who "had been harassing her" since the beginning of the school year.

In the complaint, to which EFE had access, the teenager claims that the student chased her to one of the bathrooms, entered behind her and asked her "if she had ever done it" (the sexual act), offering himself to the minor to "teach her", something she refused.

According to the mother, the girl reiterated her refusal to have sex but still the aggressor abused her and threatened her not to tell what had happened.

It was not until June 16 when, after meeting the aggressor again, the girl had "an anxiety attack", so one of the teachers took her to the office of the Head of Studies of the center, where she ended up telling that she had suffered a sexual assault by the student.

After learning of this first case, two other 14-year-old teenagers also acknowledged having suffered an attack by the same boy during the previous days, so the school proceeded to contact the three families, who alerted the authorities.

Together with security officers, the girls were taken to a local hospital for a medical examination and an injury report.

The families were also referred to Social Affairs for psychological support.

Authored by Camilo Suazo via Biobiochile July 6th 2023

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